Friday, July 6, 2012


I just watched one more time the movie Gladiator (2000), one of my favorites off all time.

It's been years since the last time I saw it last.

That movie is very, very interesting in many levels...

Especially regarding the Caesars...

What did they represent in Jesus time?

Human ruling through their self made, and imposed by force and blood to their subjects, Governments.

Would you believe me, that my own true name is Cesar too? (in Spanish).

It was chosen for me when I was born, by my beautiful and dear aunt Irma Margarita that the coward os satan killed in 1990...

Pure coincidence?

I don't think so...

Has ANY of human governments in the more than 6000 years of history brought happiness, security and a 'happy life" to the people they claim to represent and "work for"?

If that was the case, ALL in human society would be happy, no one would be dying of hunger and other despicable crimes, and hence Armageddon would not be necessary and it would not come...

But what Jesus, the TRUE and Rightful "Caesar" of this Earth will do soon?

“And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms ("Caesars"), and it itself will stand to times indefinite."-Daniel 2:44

That is why the "BIG Caesar" (him) has sent a "little Caesar" (me) first, to tell the rest of the "Caesars" of this unjust World that their time has come for Justice, and that soon it will be "PAY DAY" for everyone according to their deeds, good or bad...

If I was one of the other "Caesars", I would salute the TRUECaesar, and kneel to him before it's too late...

"Strength and Honor!"

And: "Brothers, what we do in life...echoes in Eternity!"

AM. (AeliusMaximus?)

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