Friday, July 6, 2012


What that number brings to your mind?

Probably the Earth's full cycle in days around the Sun right? (a YEAR).

What about if I tell you that that number brings to my mind the people that die of hunger and related problems in a period of time similar to what the Great Tribulations will be, but add 6 zeros at the end...


Amazing isn’t?

25,000 people die every single day now a days, while the rest of us continue to do nothing for the most part...

We altogether as a Society are the worst criminals and murderers, that this World has ever seen besides the coward of satan that promotes that selfish behavior in humans...

When you are poor, you don't think in nothing else than in how to survive yourself and your loved ones in your immediate family circle...but when you start to have a little extra?

Some forget where they "came from", and the ones that don't, and actually are "traumatized" because of those past sufferings, they tent to try to "secure their future" trying to avoid repeating those "tribulations" for themselves and for their families...

But guess what? There is NO FUTURE, if it's not with Jehovah God...and if we don't take care of those 25,000 of Jehovah's creations TODAY, we wont have a TOMORROW...would we deserve it?...

After crossing the border "illegally" in 1999 and starting to work for the first time in my life in the USA (the other 2 previous times I was only 12 and 14 years old, hence I could not "officially" work)...I started to contribute to try to help poor children around the World...

But after a while I found out that most of the World's Organizations like that one, spend more in "Organizational administrative expenses" than actually doing what they are suppose to be doing, helping people in need!

I was so disappointed that I stopped helping...can you believe that? I was wrong, even if just 25 dollars or whatever it is today's percentage get to that people, out of 100 dollars I donated, it will be after better than nothing at all, don't you think so?

That's why from now on and until the last day I live in this World, I will donate ALL of my company's profits to that poor people (I will retain a small reasonable salary for me and the ones that work with me (not for me), that will help us to provide for our families as commanded by God that Christians must do)...and I am sitting in a potentially "gold mine"...otherwise my really smart and intelligent "enemies", that are actually competitors, would not have hired a "powerful" Mafia to "get rid" of me...

They are not stupid (that's why they are "rich"...) and are fully aware of what "that guy" (me) is doing, and once people in our field start opening their eyes and see it for themselves, their complete "business model" will be just that, a "model" than wont serve much in real life "work"...

What they have not taken into account is that when they kill me, how many people they will be actually the math, you know numbers pretty well since the calculator to count YOUR own money is one of your favorite tools, that you certainly use every single day, isn’t it true?

Everything is "business" and MONEY for you, isn't?

Now, try to put faces and names to those numbers if you can...

If YOU (besides my enemies) have not thought about all this issue yet...don't worry you will certainly have PLENTY of time in the Great Tribulation...40 years, a FULL cycle of this World's worse crimes.

Do you think that the one that created the brain, and the best Mathematician in the Universe hasn't done the math?

Who are YOU try to kidding? HIM? ":-)"


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