Monday, September 9, 2013


Sorry, I said I would come back in a "week"...

But I CANNOT take "drink MARGARITAS on the beach", thinking and KNOWING that PEOPLE I LOVE will be executed SOON, by the COWARD illuminati puppets of satan da devil...

Yo descanso haciendo adobes (I rest while making bricks)...

And please don't think that until May of 2014, "we have plenty of time Wilson" (quote from Cast Away).

YOU must PREPARE like Chuck did!

Otherwise when the wind of DESTRUCTION blows YOUR way, it MAY be TOO LATE to make your "salvation" boat...

I shared this one with friends privately...

But I DO NOT have "secrets", like the illuminati cowards and mafioso's have up on their sleeves of TRICKS!

They stab innocent people in the BACK, I fight COWARDS like them UP FRONT!
See the difference?...

Ok here it goes...

Do YOU See the Governing Body like ME?

Whom I lost EVERYTHING, MY FAMILY, My Friends, and my possessions?...

For the last I DO NOT care much believe me...those material things can be recovered later, but NOT the first 2 and less the MOST IMPORTANT: Mi Familia...

And just because I had an "unclean" beard (and by default "bad attitude?"), for 10 years did not want to reinstate me?

I not even DRANK for months or years at times...not a single beer believe me.

So please check YOUR Justice-Meter, because is almost reaching the levels of the Pharisees...

Did Jesus LIVED and DIE like them, that are ALREADY in a PARADISE?

Same as the Pharisees were by the way...

While I will DIE like my KING Jesus Christ...

And not for having a beard, nor drink (sometimes I do -not everyday-to calm me down as the Argo movie guy, believe me that POISON they gave me for 18 months for "schizophrenia" is WAY worse as I was DEAD 24/7! was so bad that my Ex-wife ABANDONED me!), but for TELLING the TRUTH!

John 16:12-14 

"That ONE" is me, and imperfect and sinful man, but with a BIG HEART!

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