Thursday, August 22, 2013


This is to show YOU that I am a proud father of two GREAT human beings that I LOVE con TODO mi corazon (with ALL my heart), and I am NOT a fake wanna be "saint" or whatever makes many people stay AWAY from the Hypocrisy in ALL religions (including the JWs "organization" that I was myself also part of for 30 years...).

I am a NORMAL "average Joe", with faults and assertions like EVERY OTHER human being...imperfect and sinful, but with a BIG heart that this wicked world of today can not contain due to its GREATNESS!

And there are BILLIONS of GOOD people like me and my two beautiful boys in the entire world.

For Us and for THEM, MY king Jesus Christ died a horrible death to RESCUE us form eternal dead and "doom".

And the MOST loving Father of ALL is Jehovah God MY Father , GOD and Friend!

Whom I LOVE with all my heart mind and strength!

 Me with the GREATEST Loves of My Life, David & Alexander Rubio! (D&A)


Update 8-23-13:

Did you notice the number 21 on the waiting list?

7+7+7= 21

Agent 777 "That ONE" is YO, me! :-)

By the way, that restaurant is Culvers in Fort Atkinson Wisconsin, the BEST burgers in the Dis-United States of Gringolandia! lol...


1 comment:

  1. Did you notice the number 21 on the waiting list?

    7+7+7= 21

    Agent 777 "That ONE" is YO, me! :-)

    By the way, that restaurant is Culvers in Fort Atkinson Wisconsin, the BEST burgers in the Dis-United States of Gringolandia! lol...

