Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The devil on the flesh...

You want to  see how satan the devil looks in the flesh?...

Look no more here it is:

Henry Kissinger chose the 666 the MAIN Antichrist in history, Barack Obama.

And its NOT surprising at all that satan chose him for this, he is Jew and who killed Jesus Christ?...

I don't want to sound "racist" with this but is TRUE!

History repeats itself every single time!

This guy probably has "anointed" every single United States president since maybe George H. Bush who was the first puppet who started selling their satanic New World Order in September of 1990, to the world like no one else before him...

Its a shame that satan does not offer Eternal Life though...

These Illuminati sell their souls to satan very cheap...for the world, but the ride does NOT last forever STUPIDS!

You should have thought about THAT before signing the deal!

But what we are going to do?... there is ALWAYS a stupid sucker who is willing to do the job...


Come on and KILL ME COWARD murderers, and you will see how "evil" MAY look like when mad...

You thought that the good guys are cowards and can not KILL for justice?

Well not in a human form, BUT...

You are MISTAKEN suckers!

Your last "curtain" that you may see in your worthless and miserable lives could it be ME, want to TRY?

I can warranty you that Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, among MILLIONS of your victims would be very HAPPY to see go go FOREVER from the movie!

And you will go regardless if you kill ME or not anyways...

The garbage like YOU deserves to be put there...


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