Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Letter to ALL Jehovah Witnesses.

Letter to ALL Jehovah Witnesses.                                                                        Tuesday May 7th of 2013 

First off, I am ONE of Jehovah’s people, I was baptized September 18th of 1999 in Janesville Wisconsin USA, but I know my father since 1983, 30 years ago… 

Here in the blog/book I explain WHY I did not get baptize earlier…

I am an anointed one, the #1 of this generation it can be said…

I am the one Jesus spoke he would send in John 16: 12-13…the Bible says the “Spirit of the TRUTH”…

Jehovah’s Holly Spirit works THROUGH men…like when He INSPIRED His Holly Bible that IMPERFECT men wrote.

Imperfect and sinful men like ME, I am NOT claiming to be a “saint” NO ONE is, Jesus our Lord and King said that ONLY ONE was GOOD: Jehovah God his father…

I did not know WHO I was until the beginning of 2012 like I already wrote here, since that time I have TRIED countless of times to reach the Governing Body to give them this IMPORTANT life saving message from Jehovah God for His people.

I also have written to them many letters, that ended up in the garbage bin for sure…

They REFUSE to LISTEN and will always do no matter what, Proverbs 18:13 say that one person that is JUDGING (replying) a matter BEFORE LISTENING (not only hearing it…) is a FOOL…

Even satan the devil already wrote a song to them saying that the “wise men” were ALL Fools…and unfortunately for us, he is right…The Last to Die song from Bruce Springsteen whom is a satan follower.

My “record” with the Organization is very “poorly” to say the least, they JUDGE brothers spirituality by NUMBERS, of service and years in the organization.

When a king did a census (COUNTING.. people…) was Jehovah happy for this?

Did not Jesus say that what your left hand DOES, your right one does NOT have to know?...

They may do all things that the Apostle Paul said we can do to “please the Lord” among them PREACH the Good News, but they lack the most important of all: LOVE.

They only show love to the ones they “approve”…even the wicked people do that Jesus said.

They don’t have a clue what the GOOD Samaritan parable is all ABOUT…

They also show more love to the ones they want to attract to the “truth”…more than to the fallen ones…even the Army forces of this wicked world show more LOVE than them for their fallen ones, or lost ones in the battle field. “No men left behind” is their solemn OATH…and they even DIE trying to rescue one of them…

I agree that when one person does NOT want to repent, to expel him/her from Jehovah’s people as is written in the Bible, but when they REPENT? 

Did the Father in the Prodigal Son parable rejected his son because of the way he LOOKED when he returned home?

Or he told him to wait OUTSIDE his home 6 months to a year…to “clean” himself first, not only physically but perhaps getting “treatment” for his alcoholism? He spent all his money with prostitutes and ALCOHOL didn't he?...

And when he returned REPENTED and the father IMMEDIATELY took him back home and made a PARTY for HIM, who was jealous for this?

The Governing Body does NOT realize they are like that son…

They are jealous of EVERYONE that Jehovah chooses like in MY case, they WILL never accept me as a prophet or messenger of Jehovah, no matter if I had 100 year of “full time service”…

Even if I was one of them (thanks God I am NOT!)…

I agree to be OBEDIENT, but to WHOM,  to men or to Jehovah God and Jesus our Lord and King? Acts 5:29.

They may have 90 percent “right” already figured out of the Bible, because 9 percent they have it WRONG I can tell you that already…but most importantly the 1 percent MOST Important thing that even YOUR OWN life depend on,  they don’t have a clue about…

And it would be great that if they were at “0” so to speak in this regard, but they are at minus 100 to the left…


Because they are CONTRADICTING Jesus himself in Matthew 24:15…they say that that was for the destruction of Jerusalem…but was that time of Great Tribulation like NEVER before or after?


They were WORSE before or after that one.

Also they agree that there is NO Plan, if we are in the VERY end, wouldn't they have a PLAN already if Jehovah had reveled it to them?

They said that Jehovah CAN send Angels even at the end to rescue His people…What satan told Jesus to do that the ANGELS of Jehovah COULD do to rescue him so he would NOT fall?

Also Peter whom the very keys to Heaven were given to, told Jesus when he revealed to them what he was going to suffer: “No Lord YOU DON’T have to suffer all that…”, and what Jesus responded to him? Get away from me SATAN!

Jehovah CAN rescue his people in miracle ways no doubt about that, He has done that to me countless of times…if the cat has “7 lives” I have had 30 at least…

But my case was SPECIAL, because on ME depends His Divine Plan of Salvation…

Jehovah is NOT a God of FOOLS, satan is..

And even those “fools” LISTEN all the time, they have SPIES working for them 24/7 year round…all OVER the WORLD!

They BELIEVE me now more than Jehovah’s people, because they have seen the miracles in how I have been saved from their hands…

And even more so that I DISCOVERED their evil plan of May 2015 and forward…

Now SOME Fools will claim that it was because “satan” saved me…satan is a MURDERER not a SAVIOR. 

Did he save his own sons and daughters he or his demons procreated with women before the flood of Noah’s days?

He NOT even warned them at all! (and he KNEW, he CAN listen and see when Jehovah TALKS to his people in loud voice…not in payer though as he can NOT read minds of people…).

Jesus said that the END would be like Noah’s days…so now is satan wanting to warn ANYBODY at all?

Nope, not even his “666”, Barack Obama that will DIE in a trap he set up for him even (before May 2015)...

The Governing Body , through his representatives in the entire world, the elder have told me that I am an “apostate” because nobody “knows” the day nor the hour, if that is TRUE, then they ARE the GREATEST apostates of all time already with countless FAILED dates of the coming of Armageddon…

I have only made ONE prediction at this point that it came TRUE already, Barack Obama’s re-election (and I don’t KNOW anything about politics nor checked public “polls” for this at all…)

I got this info from the book of Daniel chapter 8 in early 2012, and Jehovah TRUE prophets DO NOT fail!

The Bible says that the “sons of the darkness” are more wise in certain things than the “sons of light”…

Is TRUE also, after I found out that Barack Obama was the 666, the MAIN Antichrist of all time, (I discovered that in FOOLS day by the way, April 1st 2013)…then doing a quick Google search later in the month (I did not do it at the time because they track my internet activity of visited pages…), I found out that 25 % of Americans believe the SAME!

How many of Jehovah’s people believe that?

Who is the “god” of this world, the Governing Body or satan? 2 Corinthians 4:4.

Satan CAN give that title and POWER to whoever he wants to…he does NOT care what the GB believes regarding this nor even the Bible…

The followers of satan do NOT judge people like the Governing Body does, they DO NOT care if a person who goes to a Kingdom Hall is dis-fellowshipped, not baptized publisher, a student, or the worst of all, innocent CHILDREN…they want to KILL them ALL!

I have family members and dear friends that I LOVE in the organization still, they do NOT know or realize that they all have been blinded and mislead by satan…he only has to misled 7 men…to mislead 7 million.

He already PROVED he CAN do that successfully, he did it with Jesus apostles themselves…many times!

The Governing Body are REGULAR  normal men not “super-men”, like they want You to believe, Jehovah’s Spirit can be GIVEN to ANYBODY that asks for it in Pray to HIM…

If they are the TRUE messenger of Jesus (they are in part…), WHY they don’t live like he lived?

Jesus did not even had a home where to live, nor a HORSE to ride in when traveling…

Life in Bethel I will resume this way since I have been there, not only in the “guided tour” but INSIDE- OUT checking how they TRULY LIVE and EAT, 5 star hotel life…enough said.

While 25,000 of Jehovah children DIE of hunger every single DAY in the world…

Are they “apostates” or satans too?

Do NOT mislead yourselves with FALSE reasoning’s…

We do NOT need countless of magazines with the SAME information over and over again, nor books…
With a few would be enough, even the Mormons only have ONE book! (maybe a few more too? I am not sure..but they have a MAIN one...)

The Bible say that when loaning money to fellow Christians, to NOT charge interest on the money, they DO that even when they loan money to Congregations for the construction of Kingdom Halls…that are in the Organization NAME, not the brothers or sisters WHO PAY for it!

My God this is unbelievable! If this thing could be pursued by the authorities they probably would end up on JAIL, for doing this kind of hoax!

For their FRUITS you will recognize them.

Who CREATED the human body? Satan or Jehovah God.

Why they are calling “unclean” something created by God? 

The beard in the males human body...

All TRUE prophets of Jehovah had one, including his very son our King Jesus Christ, also in modern times dear Brother Charles Russell had one…

Now because I have one too, I am not “clean”?

They have trespassed Gods words like the Pharisees did too in Jesus time!

What matters in a person is his/her INSIDE, not the outside!

They JUDGE the world, they claim that ONLY Jehovah’s people will be saved…what are they, Judges or just MESSENGERS?

I can warranty you that MANY, MANY GOOD people even if they are been mislead by satan in other religious organizations (JWs are too in many IMPORTANT  regards…so what can YOU expect of others…) or even “atheists” will SURVIVE Armageddon or be resurrected in the New World, because of their GOOD HEART and GOOD DEEDS for other people.

This verse in Matthew 25:41-46 resumes it ALL:

 “Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, ‘Be on YOUR way from me, YOU who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.. For I became hungry, but YOU gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but YOU gave me nothing to drink.. I was a stranger, but YOU did not receive me hospitably; naked, but YOU did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but YOU did not look after me.’. Then they also will answer with the words, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’. Then he will answer them with the words, ‘Truly I say to YOU, To the extent that YOU did not do it to one of these least ones (the 25,000 that DIE every DAY), YOU did not do it to me.’And these will depart into everlasting cuttingoff, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”

Now if you want to JUDGE me or the entire WORLD, start with YOURSELVES please…

If you want to DIE because of 7 FOOLS BAD decisions, go ahead you are FREE to decide what to do with YOUR own life, but when confronted of what YOU DID, and asked whom was your LEADER, then think twice what your answer will be.

Men or Jesus Christ?

Anyways the Organization will be dismembered in May of 2014, so if you SURVIVE by a miracle, you ALONE will have to stand tall and FACE the persecution on your own (I have my own..)...then not only Jehovah God and Jesus but YOU also will see what you are “made of”, of merely WORDS or DEEDS!

Armageddon Messenger.

Update 1-30-14:

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