Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pi’s Ark...

After watching many times the Life of Pi (2012) movie….see? I have to STUDY things many, many times before finding the “secret messages” in them…

When Pi receives Orange Juice (the orangutan) in the boat after the sinking of the ship, he tells her: “Welcome to Pi’s Ark”…

Like I wrote before about Noah, Jehovah gave him detailed precise information in HOW to be saved from the imminent destruction He was going to bring about…the flood.

How to construct his Ark of salvation. Noah’s Ark.

I also mentioned in how every one of us have to “construct” our own individual Arks so to speak, for our OWN salvation at Armageddon and the Great Tribulation.

When I was in a hospital in Madison Wisconsin about 3 years ago, after the second mafia murder attempt on me, satan appeared to me for the last time in my life, and by the way was the only one he spoke to me directly.

But I don’t remember now if after his apparition or before, is when I prayed to Jehovah God in my room about an “escape”…even the mafia had sent a guy there to kill me while at the hospital…

And then after my prayer that night I had a Vision from Jehovah God…

He transported me to the place I lived as a boy in Guadalajara Mexico…

Actually it was living in that house when satan tried to kill me for the first time when I was 6 years old, as explained in another post/chapter here on my blog/book.

Look at this map.

(Presa Falcon & Presa de Osorio, Lagos de Oriente, Guadalajara, Mexico).

He took me to that very place on the very UNUSUAL traffic roundabout (“Glorieta de la media luna” is called, or “Half moon roundabout” …it was a half a block away from our home in Presa Falcon.

How it looks like to you?

To me it looks like a boat looking it from the side, isn't it?

And it seems to be going “up”…

That is HOW everyone’s salvation will be like, and upward “hill” kind of journey in you OWN “boat”…
NOT easy for sure (especially since we take into account that it will take about 40 years if the “days” are not cut short as Jesus foretold), and it will require a LOT of work, just the same it took Pi in that movie to be finally saved…

And HOPE…:”Above all: don't lose hope”…


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