Friday, March 29, 2013

Jesus in Disguise-Brandon Heath...

41.“Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, ‘Be on YOUR way from me, YOU who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.42. For I became hungry, but YOU gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty, but YOU gave me nothing to drink.43. I was a stranger, but YOU did not receive me hospitably; naked, but YOU did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but YOU did not look after me.’

44. Then they also will answer with the words, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’45. Then he will answer them with the words, ‘Truly I say to YOU, To the extent that YOU did not do it to one of these least ones, YOU did not do it to me.’46. And these will depart into everlasting cuttingoff, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”

Brandon Heath

"Jesus In Disguise"

[Verse 1:]
Ever get something in your head?
It's nothing you heard
Or something you read

Ever had a cut but you never saw a blade?
Brought to your knees
But you never prayed

Jesus in disguise
Jehovah passing by
The burden of a tear
Hanging in your eye

Jesus in disguise
A scar across the sky
You were looking for a king
You would never recognize

Jesus in disgu-ah-hah-aah-ah-haa-ise

[Verse 2:]
Ever feel like you been somewhere before?
You hold the key
You know which door

Speak the word your lips have never known
Because your heart
Told you so

Jesus in disguise
Jehovah passing by
The burden of a tear
Hanging in your eye

Jesus in disguise
A scar across the sky
You were looking for a king
You would never recognize

Jesus in disgu-ah-hah-aah-ah-haa-ise

So open my eyes wide as I can
Blind as I am
Blind as I am

So open my eyes wide as I can
Blind as I am
Blind as I am

Jesus in disgu-ah-hah-aah-ah-haa-ise
Jesus in disgu-ah-hah-aah-ah-haa-ise
Jesus in disgu-ah-hah-aah-ah-haa-ise
(So open my eyes wide as I can
Blind as I am
Blind as I am)
Jesus in disgu-ah-hah-aah-ah-haa-ise
(So open my eyes wide as I can
Blind as I am
Blind as I am)


 Update 6-12-13:

Me at Devils Lake near Wisconsin Dells WI in 1999, skinny legs! Told ya ;-)

Since this is satans world (2 Corinthians 4:4) that name is “ok” for now for that beautiful lake (what can I do to change it anyways?...).

But in the NEW World where my King Jesus Christ will be KING for 1000 years, it  will be renamed JEHOVAH’S Lake as He is the RIGHTFUL owner and creator of it!


Friday, March 22, 2013

July 10th of 2018, Armageddon DAY!

The answer of the DAY is in the Jesus Transfiguration.

First of all:

Why Elijah and Moses appeared to him?

Elijah as explained in a previous post, is the one that will bring fire down from the sky, (either accompanied by a chariot and horses of flame or riding in it). In the Book of Malachi, Elijah's return is prophesied "before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord," making him a harbinger of the Messiah and the eschaton.

And when Jehovah’s people see this (as the whole world will see it too, either in person, for the ones that live at the time in Guadalajara, Mexico or via TV, Internet etc, is when you will be led by “Moses” to the EXODUS (escape) to the wilderness for 40 years (The Great Tribulation and persecution will commence then)…the same period of time as the Israelites spent before entering the “promised land” (which is in fact the New World).

Then the HOUR of attack, nobody knows; only Jesus will decide how many hours/days he will permit for his people to escape before the attack…

Hey but we should be extremely grateful that Jehovah and Jesus Christ let us know the DAY, just like Jehovah let Noah knew the DAY as well, before the past world destruction in the flood.

So this is the DAY in 2018 when YOU should RUN!

There are only 3 mentions of the Transfiguration in the Bible, the first in Mathew 17:2, the second in Mark 9:2 and the third and last in Luke  9:29.

This is how the numbers “run”…

Book number in the Bible--Chapter--Verse
       Mathew         40                  17             2
       Mark             41                   9              2
       Luke             42                    9              29

       Total            123      +          35     +     33 = 191

           Date                                 Day number             Week number
July 10, 2018 (Tuesday)                  Day 191                     Week 28

July 10, 2018, the DAY!

And how the moon will be in that day/night? (more or less, half moon!)


And all the GLORY and PRAISE goes to my God Jehovah, and to my Lord and King His beloved son Jesus Christ , for their SALVATION and LOVE for Humankind!



Update 6-12-13:

This was actually VERY SIMPLE to figure it out all along....July 4th is the USA Independence day, satan FAVORITE 6 that means human IMPERFECTION: is July 10th.

Now satan number is 666, 3 times 6 is: 18.

July 10th of 2018!

Even a kindergarden KID would have KNOWN that! :-)


Update 1-18-14:

A TASTE of Armageddon for YOU!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Learn How To See

“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Guadalajara, Mexico...

Armageddon will start right here in Guadalajara Mexico, in a night like tonight, with a half moon…according to the Lunar Phase.


All those thousands of planes I saw in the first Vision of The start of Armageddon I had in 1990, where from all over the world…

This is what Guadalajara means according to Wikipedia: (in blue)

The city is named after the Spanish city of Guadalajara, with the name originating from the Arabic word wādi l-ijāra (واد الحجارة or وادي الحجارة) the literal translation of the Iberian name Arriaca, meaning "Valley of stones".

The same article includes this info:

In 2007, a report in fDi magazine pointed to research showing that Guadalajara was the highest ranking major Mexican city. The report went on to note that Guadalajara has the second strongest economic potential of any major North American city, only Chicago (a part of the triangle chapter *) scored more highly for sheer economic potential. The same research noted the Guadalajara as the "city of the future"

*cursive mines

On Avenida Juarez is the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora del Carmen which was founded between 1687 and 1690 and remodeled completely in 1830. It retains its original coat of arms of the Carmelite Order as well as sculptures of the prophets Elijah and Elisha. Adjoining it is what is left of the Carmelite monastery, which was one of the richest in New Spain.

Elijah among others things he did during his life was this:

Brought fire down from the sky, and was taken up in a whirlwind (either accompanied by a chariot and horses of flame or riding in it). In the Book of Malachi, Elijah's return is prophesied "before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord, "making him a harbinger of the Messiah and the eschaton in various faiths that revere the Hebrew Bible.

Now look at this image in the Hospicio Cabanas, that is called Hombre de Fuego (Man of Fire)

And who is the “patron” of the city?


Update 12-4-13:


Thursday, March 7, 2013

One moment in time-Whitney Houston

Update 12-22-14:

I AM only ONE!...

But NOT Alone.

"One Moment In Time"

Each day I live
I want to be
A day to give
The best of me
I'm only one
But not alone
My finest day
Is yet unknown

I broke my heart
Fought every gain
To taste the sweet
I face the pain
I rise and fall
Yet through it all
This much remains

I want one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

I've lived to be
The very best
I want it all
No time for less
I've laid the plans
Now lay the chance
Here in my hands

Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

You're a winner for a lifetime
If you seize that one moment in time
Make it shine

Give me one moment in time
When I'm more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I'm racing with destiny
Then in that one moment of time
I will be
I will be
I will be free
I will be


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pi’s Ark...

After watching many times the Life of Pi (2012) movie….see? I have to STUDY things many, many times before finding the “secret messages” in them…

When Pi receives Orange Juice (the orangutan) in the boat after the sinking of the ship, he tells her: “Welcome to Pi’s Ark”…

Like I wrote before about Noah, Jehovah gave him detailed precise information in HOW to be saved from the imminent destruction He was going to bring about…the flood.

How to construct his Ark of salvation. Noah’s Ark.

I also mentioned in how every one of us have to “construct” our own individual Arks so to speak, for our OWN salvation at Armageddon and the Great Tribulation.

When I was in a hospital in Madison Wisconsin about 3 years ago, after the second mafia murder attempt on me, satan appeared to me for the last time in my life, and by the way was the only one he spoke to me directly.

But I don’t remember now if after his apparition or before, is when I prayed to Jehovah God in my room about an “escape”…even the mafia had sent a guy there to kill me while at the hospital…

And then after my prayer that night I had a Vision from Jehovah God…

He transported me to the place I lived as a boy in Guadalajara Mexico…

Actually it was living in that house when satan tried to kill me for the first time when I was 6 years old, as explained in another post/chapter here on my blog/book.

Look at this map.

(Presa Falcon & Presa de Osorio, Lagos de Oriente, Guadalajara, Mexico).

He took me to that very place on the very UNUSUAL traffic roundabout (“Glorieta de la media luna” is called, or “Half moon roundabout” …it was a half a block away from our home in Presa Falcon.

How it looks like to you?

To me it looks like a boat looking it from the side, isn't it?

And it seems to be going “up”…

That is HOW everyone’s salvation will be like, and upward “hill” kind of journey in you OWN “boat”…
NOT easy for sure (especially since we take into account that it will take about 40 years if the “days” are not cut short as Jesus foretold), and it will require a LOT of work, just the same it took Pi in that movie to be finally saved…

And HOPE…:”Above all: don't lose hope”…