Sunday, June 24, 2012

You MUST prepare...

Recently I heard a Bible discourse regarding Armageddon, the brother who gave the talk mentioned that for example, a soldier that is sent to war must be prepared first in training to similar situations he/she will encounter in the real world battle field...

He said that we must prepare too for Armageddon, but he did not mentioned even a single practical way in how to do it!

It was kind of like telling a soldier to go to war and "prepare", and not teaching him/her what to do!

Just because "we are the most powerful" army in the world, and we wont "need to"!

Does that make any sense to you?

I know that Jehovah, Jesus and their power Angels are the most powerful...but did Jesus said in Mathew 24:15-22 to do nothing?

That he would come and "take care of business", and that we would have to be "witness" only of the battle and war that will take place?

He ordered us to "stay aside", because that physical war wont belong to us!

Do you want to be witness with your own very eyes, of the massacre that it will take place?

I know that most people today are "insensible" to killings of other humans, because TV, movies and even video games "exalt" that...the one that kills more is the one that "wins" in games isn’t true?

But one very different thing is seen it in real life...why do you think that most soldiers that come back from fierce battles in war have "post traumatic stress dissorder"?

Some traumas take years to be healed...and in some cases they never do.

Do you think that Jehovah being a loving Father, wants you to see that?

Would you send your own children to a "vacation learning experience" to war?

So in what area we should be prepared for, then?

To survive in the wilderness...and it will be long, not a "quick little snap"...40 years.

So you must prepare for that!

That is the "battle" you will have to do, a battle for physical survival, and most important a faith spiritual one...

Some people leave Jehovah’s Organization when they don't see fulfilled their past expectation of the end...and they were thinking that they would have to "passively" wait for that date only and "that was it"...bum! they deserved to be saved...and to pass alive in to the New World.

Would you say that that kind of people have an unselfish and true faith and love for Jehovah, and their neighbor? Or they were just "serving" Him by "convenience"?

They were only thinking in the "reward" isn't it true? And what happened when they were not "rewarded" when they thought they would be?

They not only leave Jehovah's (imperfect) Organization , but Jehovah Himself whom is perfect!...

So would you agree with Jehovah that a period test of 40 years (or so), is needed to test peoples faith and hearts to the fullest? He already did it with the Israelites in the desert for 40 years in Moses time, when they showed lack of faith and selfishness...

Are some of Jehovah's people showing that today too? Definitely!

Instead of following Jesus teachings, many times taught trough parables...they follow "orders" that some times even contradict the Bible itself!

History repeats itself many times...there is a saying that humans, are the only "animals" that fall in the same tramp or hole twice...or more!

Imagine a group of people that are saying that they are the "only conduct" or channel (just like the Pharisees said so too) of Jehovah’s message to the world, that are contradicting Jesus himself, when he clearly told us to run and hide...and saying that no, we "don't need to" run and hide!

Is perhaps too little too much "self confidence" and pride blinding them?

Satan is so masterful in what he does, that sometimes he uses even the chosen ones...even Peter who the keys of the kingdom of the heaven were given to by Jesus himself, was used some times by satan.

And one of those times was for that same reason...too much confidence and pride.

You "DONT have to" suffer all that he told Jesus...

Jesus told him: "get away from me satan"...not me...

Now a days it seem that your "faith" is mostly measured in how many hours you dedicate to the preaching work, how many Bible studies you have and so forth...

But what about showing mercy and love to everyone?

Jesus command us to even love our enemies...and help them when they are in need...

And what we do with our own brothers and sisters when they "fall", and are disfellowship or expelled from the Organization?...some are disfellowshipped not by wrong doing like the Bible clearly says so...but for different "views" in certain Bible principles...

And is ironic that some of them were right at the time of their complains, and then Jehovah’s Organization saw the "light" later and corrected the problem (many times because of those same brothers and sisters complains), and what they do with those brothers, do they go and look for them to apologize and bring them back?

Or they are forgotten like "apostates"?

I am not saying this like our dear brother Charles Russell once said: "in a spirit of controversy", but this must be corrected if we call ourselves Jehovah’s servants!

Or are we behaving like the Pharisees and Scribes, that said that they were the only ones chosen by Jehovah God?

Jesus said that when he would come back, before judging the world, he would start to judge those ones from his "own house"...

Would the servants recognize the message of the master, or "shoot the messenger" instead like they have done most of the time with all of Jehovah's messengers, including Jesus himself?

Would they accept me like Jehovah’s messenger? Or they will look into my "service record" to judge ME? instead of judging the MESSAGE?

If Jehovah did not choose them for this message, He has a very good reason to do so...

Instead of helping to feed the poor in the world (25,000 innocent children die every single day of hunger and poverty), why build more Kingdom Halls that will be abandoned soon?

I am not saying that that in itself is wrong, but all of our energies and effort should not be dedicated to that only! Why they don't ask us for a "field service" of how many people we fed every month, or helped in other practical ways? Regardless if they are brother or sisters or not.

Even the wicked ones do that in times of natural disasters and other catastrophic times...Jesus said that even they show love with their own...the real deal is to show love for everyone, and I mean everyone. Even disfellowshipped ones. Every single day...

One thing is not to associate with unrepentant sinners that don't want to change their bad ways...and other very different to not even show mercy and basic humanity to the ones that are repentant, and want to come back to Jehovah!

Not calling the police when you tell them that you are in danger, and people are waiting for you to kill you outside of the Kingdom Hall? And not only that, but forbid other brothers to do so too?

What kind of judgment those "servants" of Jehovah deserve?

Poor of them...I hope that they will not be judged like they judge and "help" others...

One day they may even ask for me to judge them, instead of some one like them!

And I have a "big list" that I can go on and on...but I am just a messenger now, not a judge, Jehovah may use me for that later if I complete my assignment faithfully until the end (that is also a training for that)...

Jehovah can choose anyone at any given time for anything...even now, He can remove me from my assignment if I don't do things like He is telling me to do you think that I am doing this on my own "impulse"? Would you be that crazy? Because I am not!

Jesus clearly said in John 16:12-13 that "that one" would speak the thing he "hears" (or sees)...who has giving me all those visions throughout my life? Satan? Would a kingdom be divided against itself like Jesus said?

I not even could understand clearly what they really meant...and I even had forgotten them, since the most important ones happened more than 20 years ago (in 1990)...

And it wasn't until I realized that I was "certainly" going to die at the beginning of this year, when I prayed to Jehovah crying and asking Him to please tell me why He had saved me many times before...and then He opened my mind...and I could remember those past visions like if they had happened "the night before"...incredible isn’t it?

Would satan reveal this plan? What satan "told" people to do in Noah’s days, before the Flood came?

Nothing, he wanted them all to die...even his followers and own "children" the Nephilims, that him and the rest of the demons procreated with women when they took human bodies to have sexual intercourse with them, he would not care even for them!

Even him is listening to this message carefully...because he did not know it with exactitude, like he does now...

When Jehovah speaks, even he is quiet, listens and then ACT!  

Would YOU do the same?


Update 2-24-12:

Didn’t Jesus said that the "enemies" of a man would be persons from his own "household"? -Matthew 10:36. Think carefully in those what they really mean...

Too much self confidence is what "killed the cat", a wise saying says...

Jehovah God said in the Bible that there is nothing more "treacherously" that YOUR own heart-Jeremiah need to control your external enemies, control yourself first!

Do you think that you are "so especial" to Jehovah that He will send His powerful Angels to be a "shield" for YOU at the time of Armageddon while you do nothing?

Even when He did that, something was requested of the people involved to be saved...they needed to RUN! The ones that did not listened perished, like the husbands of Lot's daughters....they thought that he "was joking" didn’t they?

Even myself, although I have been saved many times in miraculous ways due to my important assignment, I must be very careful and alert at all times, like those 300 men that "Gideon" chose...

Even though I am certainly the "#1" in Jehovah’s Divine Plan of Salvation in this time of the end, I have not seen any Angels or Jesus himself with my own eyes (less Jehovah, otherwise I had died)...but I have seen HOW they's amazing!

Again, self confidence and PRIDE is WRONG, don't do it or YOU will die!


1 comment:

  1. Didn’t Jesus said that the "enemies" of a man would be persons from his own "household"? -Matthew 10:36. Think carefully in those what they really mean...

    Too much self confidence is what "killed the cat", a wise saying says...

    Jehovah God said in the Bible that there is nothing more "treacherously" that YOUR own heart-Jeremiah need to control your external enemies, control yourself first!

    Do you think that you are "so especial" to Jehovah that He will send His powerful Angels to be a "shield" for YOU at the time of Armageddon while you do nothing?

    Even when He did that, something was requested of the people involved to be saved...they needed to RUN! The ones that did not listened perished, like the husbands of Lot's daughters....they thought that he "was joking" didn’t they?

    Even myself, although I have been saved many times in miraculous ways due to my important assignment, I must be very careful and alert at all times, like those 300 men that "Gideon" chose...

    Even though I am certainly the "#1" in Jehovah’s Divine Plan of Salvation in this time of the end, I have not seen any Angels or Jesus himself with my own eyes (less Jehovah, otherwise I had died)...but I have seen HOW they's amazing!

    Again, self confidence and PRIDE is WRONG, don't do it or YOU will die!

