Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I hope I am WRONG!

When I was writing this comment regarding the Cast Away movie...which it was the final of the update comment:

"Also teh wind had to come from teh East, so Chuck could scape teh Island..."

I already noticed that I made that mistake when typing "the", I always type "teh"...I don't know why, is very odd, because even though I am aware of this I keep doing it all the time...

But this time it got my attention more since it's 3 times in the same sentence.

Then I looked in the Alphabet, the equivalent number for each letter.



I've already mentioned that the Great Tribulation could last up to 40 months, because that number is a period of test for Jehovah...but 40 years?

Who can survive that long???!!!

The Israelites were in the desert for 40 years...

I pray to Jehovah that I am wrong, NO PLEASE, it's too much, please short the time for your LOVED ONES!

Jesus said that "this generation" (the one from 1914) would not pass, before this DAY would come, but he never mentioned that they would be still alive when it ENDED!


The Latin Alphabet omits the letter "J", so the "T" would be an 19....1958.

What that year means?

I HOPE is that, than the previous one for EVERYONES sake!!!


Update 6-13-12:

These are some of the “leads” I got from the Watchtower 2011 Library CD-Rom, produced by the Watchtower Society, regarding the year “1958”:

1-Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros (by L. Koehler and W. Baumgartner, Leiden,1958)

2-Book “Your Will Be Done on Earth,” 1958

That application of Daniel’s prophecy was followed in the book “Your Will Be Done on Earth,” in its chapter 9, entitled “Restoring the Sanctuary to Its Rightful State.” Published in 1958.

3-Those About to Die, 1958.

4-Some years, instead of district conventions, there have been larger national or international conventions. The largest ever held in one location was in New York City’s Yankee Stadium and Polo Grounds for eight days in 1958.

But I have been thinking and praying to Jehovah God regarding the year 2058 as well...Jehovah told Noah that in just 7 days, He would bring the flood...

He has told me that in just 7 YEARS (2012-2018), the Great Tribulation will start...

One day per year...so 40 years is not “out of the question” either.

In the movie Cast Away, when Chuck receives the package he sent himself before leaving Memphis, when he opens it in Russia, it's a clock. He stops it at 87 hours...

If I was going to be still alive in 2058, I would be 87 years old.

Recently I have had visions of my own resurrection when my boys receive me, and I have seen them as they are now, just boys. But if I had seen them like grown up men, would I have recognized them?...


Update 6-17-12:

Noah and his family spent 40-50 years building the ark of salvation, before the flood came and destroyed the former wicked world...

YOU will have to spend around that time (40 years), "building your own ark" at the time of the Great Tribulation...unless Jehovah shortens that time as Jesus said.

But the "writing on the wall" has been set by Jehovah...40 years of Great Tribulation, the same years that the Israelites were in the desert before entering the "Promised Land".


Update 7-6-12:

Jesus died in 33 CE, 2058-33=2000 years plus 25...

25,000 people die everyday of hunger, people that we ALL kill, like we did to him...

For that people he gave up his life, would YOU do the same?



  1. These are some of the “leads” I got from the Watchtower 2011 library CD-Rom, produced by the Watchtower society, regarding the year “1958”:
    1-Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros (by L. Koehler and W. Baumgartner, Leiden,1958)

    2-Book “Your Will Be Done on Earth,” 1958
    That application of Daniel’s prophecy was followed in the book “Your Will Be Done on Earth,” in its chapter 9, entitled “Restoring the Sanctuary to Its Rightful State.” Published in 1958.

    3-Those About to Die, 1958.

    4-Some years, instead of district conventions, there have been larger national or international conventions. The largest ever held in one location was in New York City’s Yankee Stadium and Polo Grounds for eight days in 1958.

    But I have been thinking and praying to Jehovah God regarding the year 2058 as well...
    Jehovah told Noah that in just 7 days, He would bring the flood...
    He has told me that in just 7 YEARS (2012-2018), the Great Tribulation will start...
    One day per year...so 40 years is not “out of the question” either.
    In the movie Cast Away, when Chuck receives the package he sent himself before leaving Memphis, when he opens it in Russia, it's a clock. He stops it at 87 hours...
    If I was going to be still alive in 2058, I would be 87 years old.
    Recently I have had visions of my own resurrection when my boys receive me, and I have seen them as they are now, just boys. But if I had seen them like grown up men, would I have recognized them?...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Noah and his family spent 40-50 years building the ark of salvation, before the flood came and destroyed the former wicked world...

    YOU will have to spend around that time (40 years), "building your own ark" at the time of the Great Tribulation...unless Jehovah shortens that time as Jesus said.

    But the "writing on the wall" has been set by Jehovah...40 years of Great Tribulation, the same years that the Israelites were in the desert before entering the "Promised Land".


  4. Just because you flunked kindergarten and do not know how to spell simple words like the, does not mean anything, except you need to retake kindergarten. The world will not end until God says it will. No one knows the day or even the hour, not even the angels. (Mark 13:32, Matthew 24:36, Acts 1:7)

  5. Jesus died in 33 CE, 2058-33=2000 years plus 25...

    25,000 people die everyday of hunger, people that we ALL kill, like we did to him...:


    For that people he gave up his life, would YOU do the same?


  6. Kronium:

    I did pass kindergarden with good grades BTW, and I finished up to 9th grade after that (or "Secundaria", as is known in Mexico).

    I also took several years after that, of Electronics and Auto Mechanics...besides learning B&W and Color Photography, Videography, Computer building and repair, and 3-D Cinematography...so I am NOT an "uneducated" person secularly speaking. And I am bilingual...not many can master other language besides their native one...

    Regarding the Bible I have studied it since 1983 in regular basis, so I have more "experience" in that field than anything else in my life...

    Besides "attending" the best school that exist, the school of REAL life for 40 years.

    What I have learned in those 40 years of study combined? To NOT JUDGE things too simplistic, or base a whole "idea" in a single concept or verse in the Bible...to think OUTSIDE the BOX pure and simple.

    Some of the "teachings" in the Bible were written as a test for the reader as well...into what they would do...obey "rules" that sometimes contradict the MAYOR of all, that is LOVE for Jehovah and your Neighbor, like clearly explained by Jesus in the Parable of the "Good Samaritan" for example).

    Even if Jesus did not know the day nor the hour almost 2000 years ago, when he spoke those words that you mention, that did not mean he did not knew the YEAR of it, isn’t it true? If he did not know it, why he omitted that IMPORTANT information?....please tell me.

    When someone ask us for our date of birth, do we tell them:" well I was born in July 26th"...AND? What YEAR they certainly will tell you next. That is the most important information to JUDGE your AGE, not a "day or hour"...got the idea now?

    I myself don't know the day nor the hour either, but I am CERTAIN as I am that Jehovah LIVES, that 2018 will be the YEAR of the start of Armageddon and the Great Tribulation.

    Please read ALL the posts of this Blog, before you judge me or this whole Message too simplistic...

    Do you think that the "hand" that wrote the "writing on the wall" for a King before, did not know how to "spell or type" correctly? Or did not attend "kindergarden" either?...:-)

    Jehovah CAN use anything or anybody to communicate His will, yes even an animal or a stone that NEVER have attended a single day of "school" or talked before, would speak or do a "writing on the wall" message from HIM.


  7. Another thing...even if Jesus did not know the YEAR either at the time, that does NOT mean that he does not know now, does it?

    Because you did not know how to read or write when you were 3 years old, that did not mean that you would NEVER learn those things correct?...THINK! Or like some one very popular in Mexico would say: "Piensale my Chavo..." :-) (Think it Buddy)

