Sunday, March 4, 2012


How I came up with the year 2018 as the possible start of Armageddon?

All started looking at this video in the beginning of this year: (in a DVD I had at home)

And in that video when I saw Jehovah’s original name in Hebrew, I froze and paused the video.

Something came upon me...

See this image of His name: (taken from the same Wikipedia page)

The answer had to be in Jehovah's name itself!

Then I went to grab a dictionary (since I did not have Internet access at the time), and looked for the letter Pi since it's very similar to the two big letters in Jehovah's name.

Then I stopped the video and close the dictionary. I did not want to continue with that...

But later I thought that if Jehovah already gave me the two visions, he could also use me to warn the world of the start of Armageddon as well...which is the start of the end, not the end itself since nobody knows how long that period will last.

I prayed to him crying and telling him "please no, not me". Because I was very afraid of the possible consequences...And I did this for several days and refused to even put my mind into the matter...because it's also a great sacred important message for humankind. And I am not worthy to be the messenger, since I am a sinner and have been disobedient to Him and extremely stupid and ignorant. 

But maybe when He saw my tears and my pain I was going through, He may have had compassion towards me like He did with Daniel before. Daniel 9: 4-6, 12:1

Also Jehovah God had used even the enemy sometimes to have His will done. He could even use a stone to speak if he wanted to...Luke 19:40

So who am I to refuse doing something when asked by the Most High?

Then after a while and reading the Bible constantly for days, when reading this I told Him that "I was ready" to do His will...: 

-Then He said: "Do not be afraid, O very desirable man. May you have peace. Be strong". And as soon as He spoke with me I exerted my strength and finally said: "let my Lord speak, because YOU have strengthened me". Daniel 10: 19

So I grabbed the dictionary again, and wrote this number in a piece of paper.


Then I looked for info about the last days.

Jehovah Witness have said that Jesus was given the kingdom in heaven in 1914, and that in that year it was the start of the signs of the end. Jesus said that this generation would not pass until he would come back.

Because 98 years have passed since 1914, many said that the Witnesses are wrong...but I would not judge that too simplistic.

There are people in this generation that have lived more than 100 years...(some over 100 are still alive).

So I did a little bit of mathematics.

3.14159x 2 (since there are two similar letter like that in Jehovah's name)=6.28318

Then the second letter in Jehovah's name looks like a 7*

* That number its very important in Jehovah's purposes. It means "completeness". The Earth was created in 6 "days". We are now living in the "7 day" where He has been "resting". Genesis 2:1-3

More than 6000 years have passed since He created humankind, and we are almost about to enter the 1000 years of the Kingdom of his son Jesus Christ on Earth. At the end of that time it will be like 7000 years.

Then His son Jesus will give back the Kingdom to his Father Jehovah again, and at that time Jehovah will come back from His rest again 100%. And the humans that are fortunate and blessed to pass the last proof and be alive by them, will communicate directly with him again as it was in the beginning when He created our first fathers Adam & Eve....He will be their Father and them their sons and daughters.

But before that glorious time comes, Armageddon has to come first...

So I did the math like this:



1990 was the year when the two visions were revealed to me.

Pi is commonly rounded as 3.14, so according to this only the two first fraction numbers are counted.

So 1990+28=2018

But the other last 3 fraction numbers may have a meaning too.

3 might mean that the only first 3 letters in Jehovah's name and the first 3 numbers on Pi are important to decipherer this? or maybe WW3?

Also it may mean the "Three Worlds" that Nelson H. Barbour wrote in his book:

"These three worlds must be recognized.—Not the heaven, earth, and hell, of the catechism; but the world that was before the flood; "this present evil world;" and "the world to come."

And the last two =18, I was 18 years old in 1990.

Actually 28 has a meaning for me as well, since I was 28 years old when I was baptized in 1999.

All this took me like 3 minutes since I did all the mathematical calculations by hand...and I was under pray, so if this is indeed the correct year is not due to my "cleverness", but by Jehovah's Holly Spirit who revealed this, not me, I was only used as the medium to write it down.

Could it be just a coincidence that the Battle of Megiddo was in 1918?

2018 will be 100 years later...

Why reveal the year almost at the end?

Because Jehovah God loves us all and does not want any to be destroyed, but to repent:

"Jehovah is not slow respecting His promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance". 2 Peter 3:9

Do you think that He who created all of us wants to really kill us all? No.

If this message help to save even one person, I would be happy knowing that my life was not in vain...even if I am not saved in the end. Or Resurrected again in the New World that is coming.


PS. I found this interesting info in the Pi Wikipedia page:

"In Carl Sagan's novel Contact, π played a key role in the story. The novel suggested that there was a message buried deep within the digits of π placed there by the creator of the universe"

Update 3-7-12:

I've received a private message indicating what Matthew 24:36 says: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father"

I've already mentioned that versicle in my first post.

Jesus never mentioned the YEAR...he only mentioned the day and the hour.

He also said this on John 16:12,13: “I have many things yet to say to YOU, but YOU are not able to bear them at present. However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide YOU into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU THE THINGS COMING".


Update 3-13-12:

It seems that Abraham was born in 2018 BC (Before Christ), and he is the only one mentioned in the Bible as "Friend of God" not only once but three times. Through him the promised descendant came through...our Lord and King Jesus Christ.

Update: 3-13-12:

The last small letter on Jehovah’s name looks also like a 7.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Seven years.

Update: 3-28-12:

"Abraham YOUR father rejoiced greatly in the prospect of seeing my day, and he saw it and rejoiced.” John 8:56


  1. I've received a private message indicating what Matthew 24:36 says: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father"

    I've already mentioned that versicle in my first post.

    Jesus never mentioned the YEAR...he only mentioned the day and the hour.

    He also said this on John 16:12,13: “I have many things yet to say to YOU, but YOU are not able to bear them at present. However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide YOU into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU THE THINGS COMING".


  2. It seems that Abraham was born in 2018 BC (Before Christ), and he is the only one mentioned in the Bible as "Friend of God" not only once but three times. Through him the promised descendant came through...our Lord and King Jesus Christ.

  3. The last small letter on Jehovah’s name looks also like a 7.

    --1-----2-----3-----4------5-----6-----7----Seven years.

  4. "Abraham YOUR father rejoiced greatly in the prospect of seeing my day, and he saw it and rejoiced.” John 8:56
