Sunday, April 29, 2012

You May Survive Armageddon into God's New World

I've just found out about this book, and I just started to read it this morning:

In chapter one it says this:

SUNDAY afternoon, July 26, 1953, the sun shone brightly on the home of the permanent headquarters of the United Nations at New York city. On a marble wall that faces on the United Nations Plaza stood carved in large letters the words: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

While in* the Yankee baseball park. There it was the eighth and last day of an international assembly that had changed Yankee Stadium from a popular sports arena into an assembly place for matters of far grander importance to all mankind. There that same Sunday morning at the climax of a speech on Haggai 2:7 those same words of the prophet Isaiah had rung out: "They shall forge their swords into plough shares, and their spears into pruning-knives: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

*cursive mine.

What was the good news to be proclaimed that brought together such a crowd (165,829) on a hot July afternoon? It was the good news summed up in the intensely advertised subject, "After Armageddon -God's New World."

The speaker's very first words were applauded: "Armageddon will be the worst thing ever to hit the earth within the history of man. God's new world will be the best thing ever to come to distressed mankind and will never pass away." He went on: "For us to know that the best immediately follows the worst gives us courage to consider the subject of our discussion. ... So if we have yet to endure Armageddon, it will be better for us to face it with understanding, in the hope of surviving and entering into a new world of God's making, a world altogether different from the one mankind has known now for thousands of years, to its sorrow. Armageddon will prove a great blessing in disguise."

AM-I will stop at that, you can read the rest of the book if you want to (click on this link). I mentioned before the significance of the number 18 in my calculations of the Start of Armageddon, well 18 years exactly after that day I was born, in July 26th of 1971.

Maybe just a coincidence? or maybe not...